Words of Contentment
By: Cilea Preyor
- Satisfy us in the morning with your love, that we may sing for Joy be glad all our days........Psalm 90:14 Conversation with others can lift your spirit. But your inner dialogue can go downhill when you meet negative people. It's vital to spiritually prepare conversations. Before you start to mimic the neighbor , friend, or coworkers who laments every turn of life, focus on the words of God to turn your heart upward. Consider Philippians 4:8 " Finally , brothers, whatever is true , whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely ,whatever is admirable --If anything is excellent or praiseworthy ---think about such things "And speak of such change .
- Useful
My past mistakes are useless . They pile up and start to decay. Yes I walk around carrying them like it makes sense. I 'm crazy . You're not only willing ,but longing to take this debris from me and exchange it for beauty, direction, and peace . Please make my brokenness and wasted moments useful. God the master Gardener does a lot of composting in or lives. When we give him our debris----our wilted spirits, the shell of our egos, the broken pieces of our lives---he tends to them. He turns our losses and our sins into the useful material of faith..
Words of Joy
- The Lord your God will bless you in all your harvest and in all the work of your hands , and your joy will be complex.....Deuteronomy16:15
Change of Path
- Our brain create routes to memories, emotions, ideals, and responses. These serve us well, unless those embedded routes.Lead us to crumbled roads of routine anger, depression and self-deception. What we embrace Faith, God.s grace renews our minds and heart; we've no longer stuck in or imprisoned by old behaviors and thoughts. Have you experienced this infusion of hope and transformation ? It might take time for your broken thinking and broken living to be replaced by God's truth and peace. But your prayers for new pattern are heard. And new ways are being shaped in you . Trust the changes that usher you toward a whole faith.
Words of Aspiration
- Just as honey from the comb is sweet on your tongue, you may be sure that wisdom is good for the soul. Get wisdom and you have a bright future .....Proverbs 24:13-14 rev Feeling Bless
Being Humble
- I know what it is to be in need , and I know what it is to have plenty ,I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through God . He gives me strength Philippians 4:12-13--
Just be yourself
- We speak this affirmation with fervent enthusiasm to others who are feeling left out because of their uniqueness or perceived weakness . We champion the underdog with the phrase because something about it resounds with truth in our hearts. We believe it..W e do. But do we believe it in a big way for our own lives? We'll go to great lengths to be like others, to become special editions of our selves(only the ideal parts) or to present airbrushed versions (only the fake ideal parts). When will we love who we are? Yes we'll still experience transformation. But we are to be ourselves---this is what makes faith and life work." Just be yourself" is a call to know yourself as God does.
Toss A Title
- Women! We have such simple goals-we want to be healers, givers, mother wives, best friends, contributors, leaders, mediators, protectors, shepherds, moderation, controllers, caregivers ,helpmates teaches, servants, designers, contractions, ...did I leave any of your favorites off the list? Some roles are assigned to us ( without our even realizing it) others we step eagerly, and still more we take on become we're trying to become something we aren't . Review your list of jobs titles ask God which ones are intended for you . Delegate or toss the rest . Living the abundant life sometimes requires that we get rid of a few things first.
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